
United States of America

SKU: 218

JackFruit Powder

Pure and High Quality



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Product Name:  JackFruit Powder

Quantity:  500 Grams


Pure, High Quality JackFruit Powder prepared from JackFruit bulb.


— Helps in controlling diabetes or blood sugar. 

— Reduces bad cholesterol level and obesity.    

— Its high potassium content helps lower elevated blood pressure, and high antioxidant and flavonoid content protect against cancer. 

— Increases the human body’s capacity to absorb iron, making it extremely effective in preventing and curing anaemia. 

— Gluten-free food.

— Neutral in taste – Neutral in taste and can be added easily to your favourite daily meal items such as roti, paratha, dosa or idli etc. to reduce carbohydrate and increase vegetable intake. 

— High soluble fibres – With high levels of soluble fibre and much lower levels of carbohydrate and calories as compared to wheat and rice. 

— Aids in weight management. 

— Immunity booster – Presence of vitamin C is an immunity booster.

— Contains cancer-curing properties. 

— Great replacement for maida -Jackfruit powder can be used in baking items such as cakes and cookies instead of maida.